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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Showcase – 29 (Twenty Nine) by Nancy Pennick

29 (Twenty Nine) by Nancy Pennick
Allie Sanders thinks life in a small town can’t get any more dull and boring. She plans to escape after graduation. After a bad break-up, she wants to sail through junior year without distraction. Then the mysterious loner sits down in front of her in AP English. He’s the guy she noticed last year desperately trying to stay invisible. She wants to know his secrets. Suddenly her much older military brother, Doug, makes a rare appearance. He takes a special interest in her life. Suspicious of his motives Allie holds back, never really trusting him. Doug wants what she wants—the boy she has come to love. No way would she let that happen. She’d go against family and friends to protect him—and his secrets—even if it ends up breaking her heart.
Genre  -Young Adult   Science Fiction & Fantasy   Science Fiction   Age range 13-18
Amazon Paperback $14:95  Kindle $2.97
Amazon UK   Paperback £9.95  Kindle  £3.59
Barnes and Noble  Paperback $14:95  Nook Book $2.99

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